Well, what can I say... I've been busy. Wow it has been a long time since i have posted anything on here. Let's play a little game called Catch-up!
-McKenna is 6. She is in Kindergarden and is VERY smart. She just had her first program at school (I tried to post a video but it took too long.) She is learning to read and loves to spend her time at home coloring and playing with her little sister and brother. She took the Cutest school pictures. when I get them uploaded to my computer I will definetly post them!
-Zoey is 2.5 and reminds me she is going through her "terrible two's" every day. She is such a sweetheart when she wants to be. She has been batting her eyelashes for a while now. I thought it was just a phase and that it would pass but she still does it regularly. I dont think I will ever get over it. Makes me laugh every time. She has started putting short sentences together within the last 3 weeks. they come so far in such a short amount of time.
-Taylor is our Boy!! He is so sweet and loves to play with his older sist
ers. he still isnt walking but he has been standing on his own quite a bit today. He is getting a bunch of teeth at the same time and he hasnt gotten upset or even had a fever. He's our little trooper. I can already tell he is going to be a handful. But....what are boys for.