Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yet again... Poor Zoey

Well on saturday we took zoey back to the hospital... she wasnt seeming to get better and i felt so bad for her not to mention i wanted my sweet happy sleep through the night baby back. we wer up so much with her wether she was screaming or coughing so hard she couldnt breath, or throwing up cause she was coughing so hard. It was miserable. but we took her in they did blood work and needed a sterile urine sample so they had to get it with a cathader,,, :( very sad for zoey. they also took more x-rays. Well after all their poking she has pnemonia. like i said... Poor Zoey. she seems to be starting to get better. and... she slept all night last night.. ugh.lol

Yes I am pregnant.scary huh? Im excited. 3 kids. Maybe we will get a boy. our first appointment will be on August 11. I am about 6 1/2 weeks... I think. due like March 18. We told Kenna and she got all excited and told us she wants a brother... like we have a choice. LOL. I Love my Babies. Poor Kenna. She dosent get to staart school for another year. She is so smart and she needs to be able to do something with it. she is even starting to read 3 and 4 letter words. I guess I need to kick myself in the but and find her a pre-school to go to. not to mention there is one 1/2 a block from our house... yeah im that lazy. She is a happy girl though.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Well I think I know why Zoey had such a hard time at the mountain. we caved after about 4 days of straight screaming and fevers and took her to the hospital. she has 2 ear infections and they said she has conjunctivitis in both eyes which is pink eye but i know what pink eye is and i Do Not think it was. but she has been coughing so bad and he didnt even check her throat! It irritated me so bad. they check throats on a regular checkups and when i tell him she had been coughing bad he didnt care. GGGRRRR! we got some omoxicillan for her and so far she seems to be doing alot better. well i got to finish getting ready for work. Yippee!

Friday, July 3, 2009


I thought I would post some pictures of our house. i love the character it adss with just those couple of arches in the walkways! This house is just the right size for us... if not a little big.

Well today was an unusually good day. we woke up and I made french toast and turkey bacon for breakfast. then we went to the park. when we got home we cleaned up the backyard a little and set up their tiny pool to splash around in for a little while. THEY LOVED IT!!
p.s. the date on my camera was wrong.