Sunday, July 19, 2009


Well I think I know why Zoey had such a hard time at the mountain. we caved after about 4 days of straight screaming and fevers and took her to the hospital. she has 2 ear infections and they said she has conjunctivitis in both eyes which is pink eye but i know what pink eye is and i Do Not think it was. but she has been coughing so bad and he didnt even check her throat! It irritated me so bad. they check throats on a regular checkups and when i tell him she had been coughing bad he didnt care. GGGRRRR! we got some omoxicillan for her and so far she seems to be doing alot better. well i got to finish getting ready for work. Yippee!


  1. We are glad that you got her taken in. Hopefully she will start to feel better soon. So, did you find out you were pregnant while you were in the hospital too? And I thought you were done having kids after McKenna! :0) Congratulations!

  2. Poor Zoey! I hope she gets better soon!! Give her loves and hugs from us.'re pregnant!!! wow! congrats!

  3. I'm glad you took her in. Poor little girly. Hugs to you all! Congrats on the new little!
