Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sad for Kenna

WEll I was just going through everybodys blog and each on e has pictures of their kids starting their first day of school. And it makes me realize how sad I am for Kenna and how she dosent get to go to school for another year because of one lousy mont. She is MORE than ready. Me too.


  1. That is sad. Now that I think about it, Madison will be like that. Unless I really do have her a month early. Oh well! I think you can get McKenna tested and if she passes she can start Kindergarten. Maybe it's something you should look into.

  2. Poor Kenna! This year will go by fast, and you could see if she could be tested, or see if there is a charter school where you are that she could go to. They are private schools that are free and their age deadlines might be a little longer :) how ya feeling??

  3. That is sad. :0( Just think of it as more time for Zoey to have a buddy until next year. :0)
